GCSE Results

°ä±ô¾±³¦°ìÌý for the link to the ‘gov.uk’ webpage where detailed information on our ‘Progress 8’ (+0.24) and ‘Attainment 8’ (52.9) scores can be found. This page also provides information on the number of students obtaining passes in English and Maths at the end of KS4, EBacc scores and leaver destinations. Some key GCSE figures are provided below:

English (either Literature or Language), Grades 9 – 4 91% (9-5 = 81%)
Maths, Grades 9 – 4 84% (9-5 = 62%)
RE, Grades 9 – 4 83%
Science, a grade 4 in either Triple or Double Science 82%

The DFE have suggested that schools include this statement on their results webpages: Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

EBacc Information:

59% entered for Ebacc (all subjects)

Ebacc average point score – 4.96

Exam results enable students to access the next stage of their education/ training. The full report of our Y11 leavers can be accessed here. In 2021, 98.7% students moved to participating situations that meet the DfE defined ‘Raising the Participation Age (RPA)’.