
As a result of the current situation, young people are spending an increasing amount of time online. Engaging in learning online has been extremely beneficial, however as children gain confidence in using online resources, they will naturally explore other areas of the world wide web. Although this should be encouraged like most everyday activities it comes with its own risks.

Therefore, for young people to stay safe online, first and foremost it is important that they have conversations, about their online activities with adults who are part of their life. For these conversations to happen the adult doesn’t have to be an expert in technology but use this trusted relationship to talk about online activities, people they are talking to, inappropriate behaviour and language and any risks that they might be taking. It is useful to remind young people that what is unacceptable in real life is also unacceptable online. Also, that it is safest to talk to people online who they know and trust in real life and that people may present themselves differently on social media.

Secondly, where appropriate monitoring and filtering as well as parental controls should be implemented. These controls should be at a level appropriate to the age and maturity of the young person.

There is a wealth of resources available. However, as a starting point some of these can support and help parents/carers.

The internet is always changing and being able to keep up-to-date with technology can be challenging. However, children and young people often need support with problems they experience online.

Many children and young people use the internet for education, social and leisure purposes. Children are naturally trusting, curious and keen to explore the web but it’s important that they know how to keep safe. Keeping Children Safe in a Digital World.

Our ESafety consultant, Lee Haywood, from Online Safety UK is gathering information from parents and students so that he can tailor his resources and training based on current need, particularly as so much has changed as a result of lockdown.

Please do take 5 minutes to complete his survey. Thank you.

For more information about online safety watch the videos below: