STEM @ ҹɫֱ²¥app

It has been a bumper year for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) activities with additional extra-curricular clubs, CREST awards, STEM curriculum days and STEM enrichment trips.

We would love students to continue with engagement in STEM activities and so have listed some ideas, for how they could do this at home, below.
There is an opportunity to enter a Save the Planet competition launched by BMT (deadline 26th June). Science teachers will put information about the competition on Teams and details are also attached. Please note – A parent or guardian must create an unlisted video on YouTube and send a link of the students unlisted video, along with a completed copy of BMT Permissions Form.

To enter the BMT Save a Planet Competition click here

To download the BMT Permissions Form click here

Other STEM activities that students could engage with over half-term and during lock down are:

CREST challenges and projects that are suitable for home learning can be found by following this link:

Students can contact their Science teachers for support and they can get help with attaining a CREST award while in lockdown.

STEM UK – Starters for STEM – a package of resources that parents can use for STEM activities at home:

Shed Loads of Experiments can be found by following the link below:

Students can learn how to make lava lamps, rockets, volcanoes, bath bombs and more all in the safety of their own home.

Please note:  Adult supervision may be required and consent must be obtained from parents before starting any of the experiments listed on resources above.